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Is it okay to have feelings for your cousin?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maxin
12 replies
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I mean what’s the problem?


It is not possible and also idk if my cousin has feelings for me or not

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Robin @robbs

Totally. You can have feelings for anyone in this world.


But how do I express my feelings to him?

Robin @robbs

Ask yourself first whether u have strong feelings or just an infatuation. Think about whether it’s gonna harm your family, his family, the entire family tree. Think about how it’s gonna affect your life and his life if you expressed it. After done all of this you still feel whether you should tell him then go tell him. I am telling you all this is coz once you choose to tell him, it’s gonna be different for you and him. Either you both might feel pulled in or pushed out. I assure that it’s gonna change you emotionally. So think this through!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maxin

rem @maxin

No it is not


Depend on many factors like where you live, your family thinking, the cousin’s thinking etc etc

Amrita @amrita448



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