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Is it okay to eliminate “friends” who again n again bring up things that they know hurt you intentionally?
P.s i am going to attend the same new cllg and class for the next 2 years with them.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jxssel
16 replies

Why not


If doing intentionally means they are not your frnds too🤔


Should i just completely ignore them like they donot exsist???


You can casual hi hlw but try to away from them

Light Kirra @kirra

Well… It totally depends whether they are doing it to just tease you, as in as sarcastic way or they are doing it in a serious way.
It happens that friends usually take up on things to tease.


Umm they have been constantly poking me regarding my caste. Number of times, again and again.

Light Kirra @kirra

I guess either you don’t want to get hurt or don’t want to hurt them…
Anyway, have a clear talk with them and say it clearly what so ever things are bothering you and what they shouldn’t be mentioning, if they are your old friends or you have good relationship with them even though they are new friends they will understand, if not you just need to keep yourself from them.


That shouldn’t matter in friendships right?


They are bringing it up again and again in a way that is making me uncomfortable. And even they know that but still they continue to do so

Light Kirra @kirra

You need make things clear with them and then take a decision whether to keep them as friends or as a normal classmates.
Bringing up Caste and things which brings something like discrimination is not a simple thing.


I have done that. My expressions, my body language should be more than enough to understand for a human who isn’t doing it intentionally.

Light Kirra @kirra

Have you talked to them, clearly?


What exactly should i talk about? If i have made it clear i am not comfortable with them poking me!! But still they continue doing so

Light Kirra @kirra

Are they ashamed of their own caste that they are always poking you with yours…
Give them some words so that they think before talking or even poking you.
Their growth is stopped somewhere in between, mentally of course.
They need to do studies and acquire some knowledge just to able to grow up.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jxssel

jissel @jxssel

Perhaps having a talk with them and expressing how there actions hurt you. But if they continue, I will personally just end my friendship with them.


And what to do if they bump into you in the classroom or lab
P.s same class, same cllg


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