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Is it okay if u are in a rs and there is a girl who replied to ur bf story and ur bf came and told u all about it and what all she said and what all he told her but he answered her in vn as he said it’s cuz it’s more easier ?

17 replies
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Voice note

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Sorry I couldn’t understand the rest

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Yeah but I don’t like him sending to other girls …

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

Whats rs and vn


Rs= relationship
Vn= voice note

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

Yeah seems fine to me you can ask what he answered if that bothers you


Is it only me thinking that ur bf voice is smth that should be only heard by his gf and not just for like a random chat btw another girl?

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

I dnt think it was a random the dude probably knew her

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Yeah that’s my problem


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