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3am ThoughtsThought


Is it okay for ur boyfriend to say that there are so many other pretty girls out there but I still chose u?

10 replies

Lol just from this one statement, no. Imo it’s like saying that if it were up to me I would be with the prettier girl, but now that I’m stuck with you, then I might as well date you. Or like you were never my first choice, but like despite the others I chose YOU. So be grateful for that or something.
But again the context matters and I might just be blowing one simple statement out of proportion


No whenever I’m mad or we have an argument he’s like ‘there are so many other pretty girls, short, tall and etc but I still chose u


Oh ok no. That is not okay


What do u mean?


Cant say without context but if he does it often then nope. also whats with the competition guys ?


No. He’s not doin u a favor. Confront him about it, if he still do that shit, just leave him. Cause it will become toxin sooner or later


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