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3am ThoughtsThought


Is it ok to be with bf and give ur priority to him and love him the most but make ur childhood friend (guy) whom u met after so many years “friends with benefits”?

8 replies

Secretly if u r thinking it’s cheating… If u r thinking of an open relationship ur bf should be cool wid it…


And what if he isnt? Should i say no to the guy who waited 6yrs for me after we distanced or break up with by boyfriend who is making me feel insecured?


Look now if he isn’t ok n u r with ur friend ur cheating… N if u really want to be wid someone think who it should be ur bf who’s making u insecure or ur friend who waited 6yrs… the choice is all urs u gotta think… I hope u make a good choice with both heart and brain ok 💕


No it’s not okay because you have a boyfriend for a reason and a childhood for a reason. If you have a bf as well as fwb… it seems to me you’re cheating, give up on one of if you love you bf but still want friends with ur childhood friend… stop what you are doing TRUST ME!


Dude i havent said yes to FWB yet and i rlly like how u supported my BF and not me and i just wanted some suggestions regarding this but here is the back story. the guy who asked me to have FWB knows me from 10yrs and waited for me for 6yrs after we distanced and he proposed while i was dating my same BF which is now and then he just casually asked to be FWB cuz we know each other for so long and there is no commitment .
The reason why i feel it isnt right is that not only i might need to break up with my BF but everything will be ruined with the friendship i have with the guy. and i dont want neither of this to happen.


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