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Profile picture for Now&Me member @debesharingfeelings

Dinethra @debesharingfeeli...

Is it normal to feel lonely even though you are surrounded by a group of friends whom you love so much?
Is it also normal when someone is talking to you, you just doze off? I don’t to be mean and I don’t do this on purpose nor that I’m not interested but they are right there in front of me and I try to listen but it’s kind of blurry.
I feel like I’m an awful friend and they don’t deserve me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @debesharingfeelings
2 replies

I cant tell you if its normal to feel like that…but i can tell you that you are not alone in it. Its okay to zone out sometimes, but making it into a habit is not good. I realize that sometimes it cant be helped, but try to immerse yourself in something that absorbs you, something that gives you pure happiness. And if it isnt people, or your friends then thats okay too. Start with yourself and then work out your relationship with other people. Hope I could help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @debesharingfeelings

Dinethra @debesharingfeeli...

A bit but thank you for replying at least.


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