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Profile picture for Now&Me member @zainabnaeem

Z @zainabnaeem

Is it normal that I cry myself to sleep every night?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ankur1986
Profile picture for Now&Me member @manik786
Profile picture for Now&Me member @zainabnaeem
9 replies

ig it will be better to talk with somebody โ€ฆ but ig crying is normal sometimes but everyday is a bit too much

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @zainabnaeem

Z @zainabnaeem


I knew this was not ok.๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Thanks tho. ๐Ÿ‘

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ankur1986

ankur sood @ankur1986


How long has this been going on for?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zainabnaeem

Z @zainabnaeem


For months now I guess

Profile picture for Now&Me member @manik786

Manik sharma @manik786


It depends on you itโ€™s normal for you or not but sometimes this is normal because after crying the mind becomes lighter for few minutes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zainabnaeem

Z @zainabnaeem


It doesnโ€™t lighten my heart.

Radhika Sharma @lmaoradz


No broo itโ€™s not. Once in a blue moon crying out or bursting out is still acceptable. Why would you cry yourself to sleep! It gives you nothing but dark circles and painful eyes. Whenever you feel bad or think of crying just do the thing which kinda kills your time usually or distracts you. For me itโ€™s a game in my phone called block puzzle whenever my emotions get heightened (greif, sadness, happiness, anger) I just play it and like play it till I break my highest score. It gives me enough time to vent my anger and get myself Outta that depressing or upset situation. Try this girl and you gonna rock it.

And on Instagram you must have seen reels of Rihanna.
โ€œSo what do you do on those that you donโ€™t feel confident or powerful as you do out there?โ€
Rihanna replies, โ€œPretend, Coz I mean why not, itโ€™s either that or cry myself to sleep, who wants to do that!โ€
Take your time! ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zainabnaeem

Z @zainabnaeem


Thank you so much girl. I do try to distract myself but like I have to face the reality one day. I feel like Iโ€™m a failure and the feeling just doesnโ€™t go away. :(


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