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Is it normal for teenagers to miss there periods for 3 months straight?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kav1
15 replies

Shreya Vajpai @crotchetydu...

It is. It’s maybe pcos/ pcod but I cannot diagnose that, a gynaecologist can. Also, the Internet will blow it out of proportion it’s quite common in women, just consult a gynac


I checked out symptoms for that i am scared dude

Shreya Vajpai @crotchetydu...

I told you not to 🤦🏾‍♀️ believe me it’s always blown out of proportion. In all possibility it’s something else. Why aren’t you consulting a gynaecologist?


I will ofc but as I said I was a little paranoid so i just needed advice

Shreya Vajpai @crotchetydu...

Don’t be. It’s going to be fine. There is nothing that cannot be handled. Let us know how the consultation goes. Good luck. x


Yes sure <3


I think it’s related to a paediatrician or a sexologist


Yah i think i will visit doc soon

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @kav1

Kavya @kav1

sometimes it is
i get it after 4 months because of my weight gain you should go to the doctor


Oh yah same happened with my friend but maybe in my case it’s not the weight because my weight hardly fluctuates it’s been 52 kgs. Since like 2 yrs now but I haven’t checked it in 4 months now so idk


wow give me sone tips to stay on same weight


Well ngl dude I have belly fat and like fat in general but I am the healthy body type but if u wanna maintain i think just pick a hobby that helps u keep in shape because if u will enjoy it will be more effective just eat well and make sure to use it and sweat a lot
Maybe just go jogging for 20-30 min or cycling or swimming or maybe jumping ropes these are best ones when it comes to maintaining weight

Aakifah @kifah

That also happened to me
It could be pcos
It is caused by stress or change in diet
Nothing to stress about
Just take care of your health and exercise


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