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Binge EatingThought


Is it just me or is binge-eating disorder something really overlooked? Like people don’t shed a lot of light on it and I always feel like I’m just a fat person eating my problems away when in reality I can’t control it.

7 replies

I’m sorry you feel this way, just know there are a lot people who have this problem, I used to have bulimia and I couldn’t go a single meal without throwing up, but just know you’re more then that and you don’t need to do that, you’re better then that and you need to see that


Thank you love <3


Hi, yes it is just over-looked. I go through binge eating and purging as well. It’s been over a year since this is happening. It’s not just you going through this and it’s not you just eating away your problems. I know how it feels and you can’t control it. This urge comes when you just feel like eating anything and everything. It usually happens with me at night around 11pm when everyone else has gone to sleep. I feel triggered to go to the kitchen and eat. Mostly I eat packets of biscuits, bowls of oats and mango, bowls and bowls of cereal without being able to control myself. I know what you mean. What really helped me was:
1) Firstly, I was on a diet for a very long time which made me binge more. I stopped dieting since 2 weeks and am eating normal food without measuring anything. I still binge but my quantity has reduced immensely.
2) I have started a 5 second rule- whenever I feel like binging, I count from 5 to 1 ( 5 4 3 2 1 ) and just walk out of the kitchen. Really helps.
3) I spoke about this with a friend of mine and tried to understand my behaviour. It’s important to talk it through- about what you are feeling before eating, while eating and after eating. It will help you. Please do talk about it!


You are a wonderful person. Thank you so much <3


Thank you so much. I hope this helps❤️


Hey! I was a binge eater! It was a hell lot like a person who would over eat and the feel bad and then over eat!! This cycle would continue!! But a little dedication and a promise to urself thinking that binging is not good for your health may help! And also degrading your body by feeling that ur fat or so is inappropriate!! Every day just look into the mirror and give yourself a compliment, cherish yourself and the beauty you are!! This habit has helped to love myself the way I am!!


I done that more than once remember that your not the only person that does that all of my friends do that even the slim ones if you are happy with something don’t let people bring you down


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