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Is it just me or do you also think that sometimes when putting alot of effort for your friends and not getting the same effort back makes you feel weird? Like I’ve never been friends with someone who actually was the first one to text me or give surprises, gifts etc. I always doubt them that is this a sign that they don’t make efforts for me? I mean I understand that sometimes they don’t get time to text first and stuff but… It feels kinda weird to be always the first one to text, do stuff for them etc. :(
IDk what to say about this but sometimes, sometimes I kinda wish I had a friend like me ‘-’
One time I decided to not text anyone first for a day and the next day I had 0 new messages. It’s not like I need their attention 24/7 but knowing that someone actually cares for you really means alot. I’m in search for many friends as possible to make my life worth living so if you wanna friends just tell me your snap chat if you have it in the comments :> my snap chat is : @mithi.martolia
I hope I’ll become friends with some amazing people on this site byeeee!! Have a great day🌸

2 replies

In Friendship there is no 1st or last one
its all about irritating each other , laugh at silly thing and make simple time into Memorable moment .

what ever u feel its happens when we need friend in our daily lyf and they dont text or call or connect we felt that


Hey, I could totally relate to the ‘sometimes, I kinda wish I had a friend like me’ part. I understand how overwhelming it is to be a giver and never the taker. I suppose every duo has a natural giver.
I would suggest you talk it out with your friends on how much it drains you to be the giver and never be appreciated or celebrated the in a similar way. Also, keep connecting to people of your kind.
You make the world a better place to be in!!
Hope you find a reason to smile today


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