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3am ThoughtsThought


Is it good my gf dumped me and found someone new within 20 days ?? And says he loves me too much ?

13 replies

Bit*hes come and go bruh


She promised me to marry me … mistakes were made from both side . But i didnt give up on her but she did. And found him within 20 days .


Now be a gentleman bro… accept and move on… do u want people here to speak sh*t abt her tbat she’s bad she did this to you🤦🏻‍♂️well if yes then pls dlt that post


No, i dont want any wrong but it just killing me. That i was easily replaced


I can feel you…but bro this is life… the earliest you will get over things… the better it’ll be for you


I called her mom and told about her new bf 😢



Random User @randomeuser

Hey there was nothing wrong she did. I have experienced the same my gf kind of did the same. The truth is she never loved me and there were obvious signals but I was the one who just kept ignoring. What was her fault here? I was wrong because I ignored and constantly kept on making efforts.


She promised me to marry and went ahead and told my parents and they now dont talk to me.


How should i apologise ??


Forget now…just start afresh.!


Loving someone long term is like attending their 1000s of funerals everytime they change

Random User @randomeuser

That is so true


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