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3am ThoughtsThought


Is it bad that I feel jealous whenever my mom treats someone else like a daughter. Like growing up my mom didn’t really hug me or tell me how much she cares about me so when she does it someone else it makes me extremely sad. And one of my kinda cousins has a daughter and my mom always treats her like she’s her daughter. She’s always hugging her, buying things for her, yk things that a mother would do for their daughter. And it’s like hey are you forgetting about your only daughter you have? I just want that motherly love from her.

4 replies

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

Its understandable. Its bad to feal jealous, if you can change it to sad i think it would help. Only you know the full story, bit i can imagine a scenario where she wants to make sure you’re strong. Parents can get just as lost on what to do and feel guilt. In the same way thay all of us are here, its easier to treat strangers how we wish our close relationships were. There are several ways motherly love can appear.


I’ve actually experienced this feeling truthfully speaking, and only seeing it from an outer perspective now can I conclude and help you by saying that your mom most likely has no clue that she has this very clear underlying inclination to other kids, it’s more of an effect similar like one of a grandma to her grandchildren - giving gifts, love, etc. just because they can and have the power to do so. And you have to remember that spending only a short period of time with someone in one go - not living with them, for instance visiting someone or a relative - might make your mom just feel the need to submit to societal pressures more, she goes all out for this other kid who she hardly sees, but it’s more of a dinner party kind of thing. It’s all just for show usually at the end of the day. Just relax, show her a little love and maybe she’ll replicate it. Try and see.


Thank you I honestly needed this


My mom has always cared about my friend more and has treated them more like daughters than me, but recently most of my friends told me that they didn’t like her and they felt like she was smothering them and shes not even their mom


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