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Muskan @idkyaaar

Is cheating okay? If yes, in what cases?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @furyinside_404
35 replies
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Muskan @idkyaaar

Then how do people who cheat get over with the fact

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Muskan @idkyaaar

You mean they are guilty?

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Muskan @idkyaaar

They have a life they continue dating the person they cheated me with and flaunt it all

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Muskan @idkyaaar

But can be other way maybe they are okay

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Muskan @idkyaaar

That’s actually saddd

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Muskan @idkyaaar

I guess this makes sense , thankj youu

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Muskan @idkyaaar



Never. Cheating is never okay no matter what.

Muskan @idkyaaar

How do people who cheat convince themselves for the same


Uhmm it’s never okay I guess but I was in a relationship where my fiancé was physically abusive towards me and I was too scared to end the relationship. I ended up cheating because I felt like I needed a release from that relationship. I couldn’t live with the guilt so it made me end my relationship. Kind of ended the best way for me because I got rid of a horrible person and cheating on him gave me the actual guts to do it.

Muskan @idkyaaar

I can understand your pov of cheating but I am a calm person I have alwaysss supported my boyfriend throughout and let him be him my only boundary was physical relationship the fact that I didn’t want one made him cheat? Then where’s love if it’s all sex

Moni @moniii

In any case it’s not okay and it will never be ok. There is nothing that cannot be solved if communicate rightly. What’s the worst can happen you fall apart but what if that’s good for both.

Muskan @idkyaaar



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