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3am ThoughtsThought


In this social media’s era , we are so obsessed with taking good pics and posting it even we don’t look like the picture we clicked, from the context of we are is I’m referring to me… I knew it but i realised it yesterday when someone called me a kiddo , though I’m a graduate but i look like 16- 17 years girl… At that moment, I felt very imbarassing…
We all are diplomatic , firstly we judge someone and then next moment we sympathise those people… I hate it when someone says that “love youself” my foot, how can I ?? When you are the who always tell ohh you are so thin , you are this or that…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sravu
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sravu

dopamine @sravu

Exactly.this World is so fucked up


That’s why we need more photo filters🙂


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