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3am ThoughtsThought


In the end , always it will be my fault
No matter how right i was or how wrong they were! it will be always my fault!
I want someone to understand my moods too! But deep inside ik that’s not possible!
Just one time , freaking one-time I’m rude with someone they leave! Ignoring all the times I’ve handled their moods.

3 replies

It’s been like that always. People rarely understand you and know how you feel. No matter how much right you are you’ll be judged wrongly and accused. You might be there for them all the time but when it comes to you, you’ll just have yourself. That’s why, we should be strong and learn to handle ourselves on those days when we feel like giving up. But remember, never feel like you are alone, you always have yourself. Never give up or be sad because somebody left you when you needed them. Be strong and hold yourself up.


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