Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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In my move on phase and some people keep mentioning his name. I just can’t hold it anymore. Like some people still though im still with him when its not. He left me twice and keep accepting him becoz i though he really love me but no. He doesn’t. Idk why he did this to me but i hope he’s happy now. Seeing me suffered like this. Idk why it’s so fuckin hard to move on. And i realized that i give him all of me:)) and i don’t even know who i am anymore

3 replies

Trust me, you are not alone. Cmon I now you will be able to battle this one also . More power to you girl! ❤:))))).
Try distracting yourself from alll these thoughts . If you aren’t able to then you need to learn to deal with it. Because unless and until you truly believe that he wasn’t the right person for you, you won’t be able to come out of it! Think of the bad things he did and try to move on! It’s totally not worth your mental health girl!
Take care ❤:)


I had my heart broken by my girlfriend of 2+ years recently. She is in a live-in with her ex who she told me not worry about. I worshipped her man. There were so many red flags but I kept on loving her hoping she would change.Alas! People never change.
It’s been 2 months since the breakup and I can’t sleep, work and all I do is think about her. While I am counting the days since we last talked she is sleeping in the arms of another without a single worry.

How do you unlove someone? You don’t. You can’t. You have to learn to love yourself . Love yourself so much that no one is able to hurt you.

I try to keep myself busy. Get a gym membership. Channel your pain towards growth and remember without hurt there is no suffering and without suffering there is no growth.


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