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In a steady long distance relationship …but feels like I am horny all the time…and since partner is unavailable…i find myself doing wrong things

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Since partner is unavailable I find myself chatting with other people which goes towards sex chat

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Dont get even that much time…even if we get little time in that if start talking abt sex…feels like if i am doing for sex only

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I will give you an example why it feels wrong, yesterday itself I was talking to a friend who is married…I was consciously discussing sexlife… And wanting to talk details made me horny…bt later it feels sooo wrong


How would you feel if your partner was cheating because they’re horny? Don’t put them through things you wouldn’t want to go through.


Yup thats the way I try to explain it to myself…but sometimes urge is uncontrollable…I even think what if I am a sex addict


Then seek counseling! If it’s a an addiction, it’ll always be a problem and you’ll never be able to commit to your partner unless you seek help. Or maybe it’s just a matter of self control and you don’t feel invested enough in this relationship to practice being faithful. Think about it!


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