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Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

Impulsive actions are always dangerous. Sometimes we don’t do the right thing, and sometimes we end up doing something wrong. Ultimately it makes you vulnerable at times. Should be avoided!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @v12
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @v12

imbecile @v12


How to decide one thing to do, when thousands of things rushing through your mind? And also you feel there is time limit to do that task, or perform that task or to take action! Like speak or no speak! Stay or no stay! Leave or no leave! What is this about?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife


Did you ever try to listen to your gut feeling? If yes, so I think you can relate

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


Well, in this case it is best to take a decision we think is the best and execute it and be ready to face whatever is coming next.
I mean overthinking isn’t the solution either for taking impulsive decision .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife


That’s right. Sometimes we take decisions and then work on them to prove them right. But it also have it’s pros cons

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


Well, isn’t like, in some situations in life we don’t get the time to take a decision and the decision needs to take very quickly. So, what do we do at times like that?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife


Our mind is way more faster then we think bro. We need a very little amount of time to take decisions. But this is not about quick actions, but about impulsive actions. It’s like we have time to think but we are in a rush.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


But what about we are really stressed and are under pressure . It’s really difficult to take a decision when ur mind is not calm


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