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I’m with someone and I love that person but I still have some feelings left for my previous one.

9 replies

Who’s she


Then why did you guys brk?


It was good in the beginning 2 years but in our last year he wasn’t treating me right. Replying late and we stopped meeting. I get it because of COVID for 1 year we couldn’t meet but after that he never initiated & when I did he would ignore it so I tried a lot, trust me but then I knew I don’t deserve this kinda treatment when I’m doing everything for this guy that’s why I broke up w him.


And still you’ve feelings for him?


Dude… Feelings never dies
But we put them into or convert it into love,trust,…
You’re currently loving someone or you’re loved by someone…just don’t mind you
Think about your current one! She/he is thinking about you.loving you ,takin care of you!
No matter what don’t play with someone’s feelings,.its nice if you kill them but
Don’t play with 'em
Thts past … You’re over him/her
Its just their memories! Nothing more or less!
Move on !
Its a blessing to be loved unconditionally!
Don’t spoil it…you can…okay?


I love current one only and I’m treating him the best. Yes it’s just memories and sometimes only I think about it.


I will never spoil it. I know I’m very lucky to get this love.


Yes you’re!
You are the best
Be proud!


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