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I’m very insecure about myself. I hate meeting new people. My life is full of online friends and I haven’t met any of them. I feel so insecure about how I look and how they’ll judge me if I meet them. Help me please!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dee274
3 replies

MM @monkeymind

You know what even this was something that I use to feel…

See if they are really your friends then your look doesn’t matter to them but the time you spend with them does they way you talk to them does all those vibes around you does… So just be confident

And haa you know online me sab sundar hote hai but in reality there are some flaws which we need to accept because this is our really beauty to accept things as they are… 🤗🤗

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dee274

Hey, honestly it’s fine we all feel like this sometimes. See the thing is you can’t stop someone from judging you even if u look amazing & do everything according to them then also people will judge you. You can’t please everyone and you can’t do anything about it. But because of this fear you can’t stop meeting with others right? So stop feeling insecure, more than looks personality matters trust me. No one is perfect we all have flaws rather than being insecure abt them we should accept them. Remember you are perfect just the way you are so just be confident that’s the only solution for your prblm.


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