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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I’m too awkward to be in a relationship. I don’t know how to do romantic gestures, or be all lovey dovey with a person I love. I’m the kind of a person who slaps the gift on their face because I become way too awkward. I cannot speak my mind. If I want a hug or a kiss I cannot ask. I will rather wait for them to take the initiative.

I turn every conversation into a joke and run out of romantic conversations. The whole idea of romantic things is way too awkward. The only thing goes through my mind ‘what if I say something wrong’.

I’m really bad at expressing things. I sometimes wish that only if I had a superpower of letting people see my mind like Bella from Twilight things would have been much easier.

I avoid dates to sit at home and spend time alone. I’m ok with having my partner over only if he stays quiet and read a book or spend time watching movie. Like connect with each other by remaining silent for a while.

Looks like I’m crazy and I’ll probably die alone💀

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I wish even I could get a date!


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