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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I’m tired of waking up in the morning depressed and dealing with the same bullshit everyday. I’m tired of praying to God with no answer back.I’m tired up crying myself to sleeping every single night. I’m just tired of living. What’s the point? I mean we’re going to die anyways. Why not just make it happen earlier. Or i should just fucking kill myself.

4 replies

I am sorry you are feeling this way :( but please keep pushing through, you may not see your purpose now but i promise it’s there, and i know i can’t change how you feel, but if you can take to an adult about seeing someone such as a psychiatrist they could help, my siblings deal with very bad depression and they got meds that help them not be fully normal but kinda help level out there depression, if that’s not something you want to do or not able to do, know that you are strong and if you feel God is not listening please don’t stop praying, he hears you, you wouldn’t be here right now if you didn’t have a purpose, you are awesome <3 i am not good at advice or any of the sort but just know your life is just as valuable as any other


ah thankyou , going through your words makes me feel so better, ill definately try to come out stronger 🥺🤍


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