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ella @chaotic_ella

I’m tired of being stuck in the same cycle every year I feel like as soon as new year rolls around. I’m like I am going to change this year. I’m going to accomplish my goals. I am going to change and get healthier but every single year the same
Cycle happens when January and February rolls by and I’m like you know what I still have time and then I do nothing all year until it’s the end of the year and then I’m like you know what I’m just gonna wait till next year to start my goals and I am just so tired of that cycle. It is so tiring to be stuck and no matter how hard I try I just can’t get out of it and I was starting to realize that all these here I just have so much emotional but I’ve just been stuck on survival mode

2 replies

Everyone go through this so it’s fine even you made little process then it’s good coz you are trying not just sitting and dreaming about it

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