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Im tired…

Im a fresh grad, working in a construction site. And im a lady. Faced gender discrimination all the time. And being looked down so many times. Wasn’t respected and being treated like shit. Its not my boss but my colleague. I know he is more experienced than me, but knowing that i am a fresh graduate do you have to judge me when we just met like 2 days? We haven’t event worked together! Telling everybody how stupid i am and being stepped on by my own workers just because i am a woman and a freshie. I am fucking tired to fight for my self. I am all alone and the only young female engineer on the team. Imagine how i hard I learned from zero to catch up everything. My boss are nice, they protected me, but i am so tired to show how well i am at managing and how much i grew. Yet they still looked down on me. They respected me but my colleagues and my workers dont even have the sense of respect. I blew up few weeks ago and I was labelled as crazy. Dont i even have the rights to defend myself after being called idiot? I dont care how senior you are, or what position you’re on, or even how much experience you have. Once you are rude to me, treated me like shit, i’ll kill you even if i have to. Sigh… i am tired to fight for all of these… my bosses are great… but yeah… im tired of showing them what i can do and i am tired of fighting all alone…

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