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I’m struggling in math and it sucks I want to be good at it but I’m not because what the teacher says just goes through my brain and out. but I’m passing it and I have straight A’s so it’s weird. Like I’m not failing, idk how tho. I do bad on my tests but stay after school and I retake them. But sometimes to get a good grade it takes so much effort. I failed my last math test and I had to stay after, do some of it in homeroom, study, do the corrections, retake. I’m so tired it’s like I have so much to do to get a good grade. I wish I could just relax but if I did I would fail for sure. All my other classes are so easy, like I have a literal 100 in science. I have. 93 in English and a 100 in social studies. And to my surprise a 95 in math. But it takes so much effort to get that 95. In any minute it could just go down.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @biwasst
4 replies

Dude maths is just based on logic and if you understand the logic it will create a magic in you such that you yourself will say you love maths. Even I was in the same situation where maths was difficult for me . But there came my mentor as an angel in life who thought maths and made me score really good marks . Its all about how they teach and how we understand. Just try to love maths

Profile picture for Now&Me member @biwasst

Jing @biwasst

Yes true same here


Bro concentrate more on basics ,the maths will be very easy,just write why u are unable to solve questions,you might not be good in the concept or previous topic fundamentals ,make a list follow YouTube,don’t try to by heart,try to understand the logic


I remembered Evey formula up to 10 th without understanding logic,i faced lot of issues during class 11 and 12 as understanding concept is more imp than marks in school


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