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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sobba

I’m stressing out, I’m always scared of confrontation and stuff coz I can’t handle it my emotions will take place instead of saying something to the argument and all even if it’s my fault even if I’m the wrong one I’m scared so i sometimes, most of the time hide and avoid the situation but i am still learning on how i could handle it my own without being scared of it. Coz if i keep avoiding it when will i learn

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sobba
3 replies

Sansthita @sansthita


Awww darling. Let me give you a long and warm hug first (with your consent ofc). I perfectly understand what you are feeling. It’s like having a volcano in you which you know can explode at any moment. That’s why you avoid arguments. And it’s okay. And regarding learning to confront your emotions, here’s a way- acknowledge and notice them. You have a right to feel your emotions. Tell that to yourself. That it’s okay if you get angry, it’s okay if you burst into tears and the people who mock you for this need help. You are perfectly fine. Being emotional is normal. Tell yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes. You are strong, you have survived lots of things. So you will learn from your mistakes and learn from them. Keep telling yourself this and after a certain period of time, it will get better. You got this mate! Sending you love

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sobba

Idk why i belittling myself so much. I am not good at conversations and i don’t think im good enough as a person 😒

Sansthita @sansthita


Nobody is good enough hun. Even kartik aryaan was dumped and even hrithik got a divorce. Nobody is perfect and no normal person expects you to be perfect. We are all flawed and that’s where our beauty lies. You don’t always need to converse. You understand the voice of silence and that’s enough. This too shall pass sweetie.


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