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Caminante @caminante

I’m starting to think she never really cared about me. She only cared about her needs. But I guess all women are self-centred like that. I should just move on and forget about her or dating again

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing
18 replies

Forget her okay
Dating not okay

Caminante @caminante

You think someone else could be better than that?


Obviously a lot actually all are not hoes bruhhh dont give up bc of one…💯

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

stop being stereotypical
not every woman is like that

Caminante @caminante

It seems like it from my experience

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

if u meet all the women, express your opinion

Caminante @caminante

I never gonna meet all of them and I don’t have to to have my opinion. Btw you also came to my post thinking about yourself only

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

no, no i wasn’t thinking about myself. it was just unfair because you can’t believe everyone’s is like that.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Caminante @caminante

Fair enough. I should hope you’re right

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

okay I can’t press u to believe it then. goodnight!¡

Caminante @caminante

No i mean i guess you’re right. I was just angry. Goodnight, thank you

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Caminante @caminante

My bad. I should have clarified that women are like this with their partners.

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Layha @sylkie

I’m actually a super giving and caring person who would never try to hurt my boyfriend (I’m a woman). Funny thing is that I’m struggling with the idea that guys just want to take from me and only want sex and to manipulate me etc. I know it’s a huge generalisation and it’s not true, but yea similarly your idea is also generalised and flawed, but I get how you’re feeling. Just remember that people are people and not everyone is the same

Caminante @caminante

Thank you. Hope you get a solution to your demons thing.

Layha @sylkie



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