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Im so tired of my mother’s toxicity and her remarks, fat shaming, saying stuff like, “you’re never going to be good enough in what you do” or “you’ll never be successful in your career” Today she was like, “you live under my roof so i provide for you and that means you have to do what I say” wtf does that even mean? And then my stupid response was “i didn’t ask to be born it was your choice” and she’s like"yes i wanted you then but not anymore" lmao yay me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @artistic_shadow
8 replies

yeah I totally relate you
whatever she says don’t bother about it you just play along, keep silent
act like nothings bothering you
you will get out of that house soon enough study hard get a job far away
and you will be okay then



Profile picture for Now&Me member @artistic_shadow

dark moon @artistic_shadow

hey dude that are totally rude remarks made by your mother.she shoud’nt be using such hateful speech towards you. i could totally connect with you as i have a mother similar to yours.i usually limit my contact with her by staying out of her reach in my personal room and talk only when required in order to avoid listening to her hate speech.if aforementioned isn’t possible for you then you may ask your dad or other trustable elders to help you.Hope this helps🙂


I do that as well. It’s not very bad yet, just the remarks but it’s been going on so long that it doesn’t matter very much


Time to leave the nest so she can see how life is with out you. Better yourself and stay away from toxic


Haha yes but I’m still doing my bachelor’s and don’t have a job. And my college is close enough that i don’t need to stay away from home. I’m thinking of moving for my master’s


Wish the best for you


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