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Profile picture for Now&Me member @4ngellovesyouuu

Angel<3 @4ngellovesyouuu

I’m so tired of being told “Put on some pants your uncle is coming over” “You look like a boy no man will want you if you’re not pretty.” " Oh you’re being bullied? He’s only doing that because he likes you." “You’re basically asking for it if your wearing THAT.” IM FUCKING SICK OF IT. None of this justifies it. MAYBE they just have human decency to not fucking sexualize a MINOR WHOS JUST NOW GOING INTO HIGHSCHOOL. “You’re being dramatic. You aren’t stressed you just want attention.” “Why don’t you tell me anything…?” Hm I wonder why. Maybe its because you invalidate my feelings when i express myself. Maybe its because you don’t listen. Maybe because in the past you fucking forced me to tell you things that I wasn’t ready to tell you.

4 replies

You are beautiful

Siya Singh @smile_foryou

Others try to change us to satisfy themselves but it’s us who decides what to do

Arjun @arjunpbr

Yeah in foreign countries

Arjun @arjunpbr

Do whatever you like…do whatever you wear…before tht asking yourself that why i like to do this or why i like to wear this…thats all


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