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Self HarmThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I’m so stressed about everything, it’s so fucking stupid I I stress over everything. I want to fucking cry scream whatever I can take to burden off my chest. And I fucking did it again, I cut myself again. Twice this month and I can’t do anything to relive this stupid feeling I can’t cry nor scream at the top of my lungs. I cut 2 times in my leg hoping it would help someway but I still feel the same, I feel more stressed now, I hate this so much I can’t seem to find something to relax myself with. Even pulling on my hair from frustration doesn’t do shit this is just too much. I can’t talk to my only friend bc I don’t know what to say…I don’t know how to express it. I just want to fucking cry

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbbletea
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike

Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...

See ots simple just go somewhere where you can cry alone and alot, no one can hear you it will make you feel better.

And what happened,what are your problems tell me
I will try if i can help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bxbbletea

London @bxbbletea

I’m so sorry, I’m going through the same thing right now. I hope you get better. I would be open to listen to you more :)


i have dealt with feelings such as yours for over 3 years now. i am so proud of you for trying to help yourself, the hardest part is admitting you have an issue. we have moments and even though you may feel guilty don’t be to hard on yourself. you are worth so much and even though i don’t know you i love you. stay strong.


I have cut myself before too and I know the feeling you’re talking about but this needs to stop and the only way out is to actually understand the root cause . I am here to listen …


Hey …, I know it is hard but you have stop hurting yourself. Hurting will ease your pain only for a couple of hours and then you will feel shitty again. You should let out that agnoy , only then you will feel better. Dont be too harsh on yourself. Hope you get better soon.


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