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Profile picture for Now&Me member @bees

I’m so disappointed in myself. I made a C in my chemistry 2 course and I tried so hard in that class. I put hours into that course having to relearn the material because my instructor was not the best. I don’t know what to do at this point… I want to give up on everything. It seems like even if I seem to get a little good at something, I always end up failing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mx_wolfie
Profile picture for Now&Me member @swaty
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mx_wolfie

Wolfie @mx_wolfie

I know how you feel, I’m getting the same feeling in one of my classes and I assure you, most of the time it’s not your fault but your instructor’s. Don’t blame yourself and before the next exam maybe you could ask for an exercise sheet?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @swaty

swaty patil @swaty

There’s nothing in it to get disappointed even legends gets succeed after so many failures so don’t loose hope , keep trying… And also one things after so many years u will look back and laugh at this, life mein bhuth kuch ye kuch bhi matter hi nhi krta so keep smiling😊

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