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I’m so confused. My bf and I now live together after being long-distance for 3+ years. He told me he was a PT. I thought that was cool. Anyways he started a new job and told me it was at a pharmacy. He even made comments about medicine bottles. However, I was using his phone when he got a message from his boss. I then realized he isnt doing anything close to a PT. He’s making deliveries for an auto shop. Im so confused. Why lie to me about something like that?? I’ve also noticed that I catch him in lies about things that dont even matter all the time…I dunno what to think.

7 replies

He also told his boss he could work extra hours bc he had to go to another job. There is no other job.

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If you mean a live-in gf then yes but no we drove. He drove 9 hours to get me and 9 hours back without a break Which confuses me anymore. Ik that if he didn’t love me he wouldn’t have done that.


Hey stay calm and try to speak openly to him about your doubts & concerns. Also, search a bit about pathological liars in Internet, if he resembles one, seek professional help.


Thanks for the advice


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