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I’m so confused.
I feel like I’m into men but then they also disgust me sometimes. I also feel like i like women but I don’t really get along with them sometimes. Who am i!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
7 replies

Chill bruhh… This world is more complicated than that 😅😅 You PROBABLY will never find who you are. Don’t try to define who you like men or women. Just see who is true to you and with whom you get along with. Irrespective of the gender, race, religion.

A lot of people put constraints on their likings by already thinking I don’t like this or that. Just go with the flow okay?

Take a deep breath and chill out. I am not high and mighty myself but I think you needed to hear this.

Wish you an amazing life bud 👍


This makes so much sense!
Thank you so much🤍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

It’s whatever your body is attracted to. Don’t get influenced by social activists or influencers or even friends who try to make you forcibly start fantasizing about liking your own gender when you don’t want to. Many are being swayed to being Bi or Pan even when they aren’t due to the problems they faced with the other gender or maybe they it’s cool to be to get attention. Most importantly, your body knows what you are attracted to …listen to it.


even i too share a same kind of problem can we talk in person?


Sure we can


please share your id bro i will drop a request


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