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3am ThoughtsThought

Yu @yuyuyu

Im sick and I hate ittt. I haven’t been sick since Corona started bc of masks and now I’ve stopped using them I got sick tho it’s not corona just a rather strong flu ughhHhhh I hate being warm and cold at once and my throat hurting thankfully my nose isn’t clogged yet so that one plus but the worst, I can’t sleep! it’s 1 am and I’m really tired but for some reason I can’t shut my brain down I keep thinking over family drama in English even though it’s not my mother language and I keep making sour faces so I’m basically laying in my bed sweating but feeling cold thinking in English and making faces to my pillow and walls lmao I hope writing it helps to make me stop thinking so that’s why I wrote dayum paragraph over this lolol be careful to not get sick yall! :) I won’t write the family drama bc it’s long and I’d get too invested in it and forget my original reason for writing lolol

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