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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I’m shattered. My bf makes me feel guilty for having suicidal thoughts. He keeps on shaming me. I feel like ending everything. I have no one to talk to. He shouts and screams and then suddenly starts talking nicely. I feel so much emotionally drained that I want to kill myself. I don’t know what to do

5 replies

Suicide is not the solution…
Leave him. When things are not going in ur way then leave that thing. Start searching for newer path…

And remember " Every day is new beginning "

And most probably suicide means giving yourself pain…

I cannot bear pain… Then how you can… You are also human being…


Thanks for motivating me❤️




Just leave him
Everything will be ok then


Heyy sweetie, um your boyfriend seems like a very toxic person. I feel like you should leave him. I know it seems like a really tough decision because no one wants to be lonely but hear me out- break up with him and focus on yourself. Practice yoga, meditation, read books, watch films, talk to new people and grow 🙌
It will bring you so much peace. And on the way to discovering yourself, you’ll find so many more people, who are going through the exact same thing you are. You will nourish and you will find someone who’s always there for you, who respects you and takes good care of you. And that day will come soon. And I need you to be there to see it. Please hold on- this will end and good times are on their way.
Lastly, you’re not alone. I can assure you that 638291827301 people, including me, have felt what you’re going through. I assure you, it gets easier.
Have faith and be strong :)
We’re all here for you <3


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