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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

I’m screwed, officially screwed, my teacher gave up on me the last minute there’s subjects I didn’t even open yet my finals are in a week, both my grandparents have covid, im really sick, don’t take my medicine or go to therapy, everyone is making fun of me, im done I just seriously wanna die, I have no idea why suicide is haram how can god put someone into so much pain and so much stress then when the person just wants to rest it’s forbidden and u will go to hell, this is so unfair

Profile picture for Now&Me member @whoaaditya
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16
34 replies

Hey champ relax. Why to take so much stree and tension I’m here na we can talk and discuss na we will find solution okay do not worry and if u want we can talk somewhere else also or we always talk here do take tension ha I’m here to help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

How tho? Like seriously im sick and tired of hearing the same old thing from everyone to just stay confidant and be strong and ull get through this that’s just pure bullshit nothing but a matter of empty words even my therapist words are empty af


Ik what people say stay motivated have positive energy and all but they do not tell how but I can tell u how

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Go ahead then please I would like to see u try


What makes you angry or I should say when u get angry

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

That everything comes at once, everything I’m scared of happens, no one understands what goes through my head and just make of fun of my (silly) problems


Yeah so let’s discuss abt your problem first tell me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Well i have a huge guilt problem where i feel guilty over anything and everything even the stupidest things, ive been officially diagnosed with depression and I absolutely think therapy is useless cause I don’t see any improvement, its the first year for me that I absolutely no nothing about the subjeoi have to study and I might seriously fail and if i fail im a disgrace to my family because they didn’t raise failures


Yeah ik no one lik failures but they are part of your and abt your guilt what was the stupidest thing for which u felt over guilt

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Yeah well no one is gonna accept that part of me, probably saying no to get my sister a cup of water or smth


Dude now u have a friend b no more loner ha aur see over guilt is not a problem it shows that how much u care for the PPL even that thing is small


That’s show the u feel more than others

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Guilt is problem when I can’t make any right decision in my life just because I feel guilty


Okay whenever u need to make decision tell we both will take it I mean I will give my opinions

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

I don’t need an opinion, i know what the right thing to do is I just can’t do it


I get then I will support your decision then I will guide and I will have your back then


I get that u known what u want to done but guilt does not allow that ik but that’s the part where I will help u

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

I get, i swear I understand how purely kind and helpful your intentions are and i may seem rude but I just don’t think ill get through this without doing something stupid


See champ mistake to hogi but that should not stop u na

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

My mistakes are big ones


Acha tell me what all mistakes h made

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Well self harm is number one I have wayyy too many scars on both my arms, i tend to get distant and rude when im under pressure, i always have severe panic attacks and my body ends up shutting down for two days without waking up, i overdose on my medicines, i tend to read or watch lgbtq stuff which are totally haram/forbidden in my religion which just increases my guilt


Are u gay. And in bibal there is not concept of this that does not mean it worng

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Im not gay no but I don’t mind gays and im not a christian im a muslim


That’s an example but see whenever u are taking a decision tell me I will help

Sumit @itachi123

Right now, you might not be able to see anything positive but don’t give up hope. Time will change and things will get better. May Allah bless you and give strength to fight it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Gee thanks very helpful

Sumit @itachi123

Let me tell you how you can deal with this stress… talk to the people closest to you, your best friends maybe. Tell them what’s troubling you , share your problems with them and trust me your problems might not get solved at once but you will be free of stress and you will find the courage to face it. You can’t deal with everything on your own,that’s why you need friends to share the burden.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

I don’t have friends I’m a fucking loner

Sumit @itachi123

This must be so hard fo you. I can’t possibly imagine the stress you must be dealing with.
But hey, if you want a friend, feel free , I can be there for you. No kidding.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Thanks I appreciate that

Sumit @itachi123

sumit_rana2783 – this is my snapchat I’d. Add me when you feel like it. And don’t worry, you will win over your problems.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @whoaaditya

Aaditya @whoaaditya

God made you, he didn’t put you in such situation. Suicide? So that should mean that every Teen and Twenties kid should be committing suicide after every hurting event? About your exams, I understand your grandparents are covid positive but that doesn’t mean that you have not been able to study all year, its you and your indiscipline that has got you into this situation. Grandparent getting covid is just a reason to escape the reality. Sorry not being rude but you need to grow up.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuki16

Since covid started I literally had 22 days to finish every subject of the second term for over 9 subjects and my grandparents had covid for 10 now, u really think im just trying to escape? How about u think of having to study 9 subjects all alone without any help from school or lessons cause u have covid and both your grandparents who are very close to u are practically dying? Yeah maybe u are right im just overreacting


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