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I’m scared, what if he falls in love with someone else?… Im jealous fuck.

13 replies

Youre just insecure about this. Talk to him and sort it out


I’m insecure about everything… I already did talk to him but still feel like I’m easily replaceable.


bruhhh i am the same, i am so jealous of everyone she talks with. As introvert i dont talk to a lot of people, but she does and it fuckin kills me. What if she gets closer to someone, what if someone else connects better with her then me…


Yess dude I feel bad for being so jealous. It’s not like I don’t trust him. I do. But goddamn he is such a sweet guy, he is polite, nice, kind… And he is really attractive…I’m so in love with him. But i’m still scared like fuck there is someone better than me out here.
But I am so happy that someone relates.


yess exactly, sometimes i annoy her so much that she asks if i trust her or not, and i am like i doooo. but also can’t help with not getting insecure. Its like i need a weekly dose of reassurance. Seems like even you are obsessed. Btw you tagged LDR, you guys in LDR?


YESSS! And yep… it is like… I don’t know. I miss him so much. And covid shit is making it even worse. And my fucking head is like fuuuck what if another girl… It’s just bad sometimes. He has lot of work so yep… He is talking to me as much as he can but still missing him… What about you?


yep we are in LDR too T_T. Thats the worst part. She has exams coming up so she is busy studying and we aren’t getting time to talk as we used to.


Exactly… I can really relate. He got a job, uni, lots of shit is happening. And just yep. It’s not nice. How far away from each other you two live?


1200km away, different states. wby?


Oh shit. That is faaar away. For how long have you been together? Well we are about 350km (4-5 hours by train) . But I have a small state so from one side to another. But with this covid stuff I can’t travel… (Btw if my english sucks, sorry I’m not from english speaking country.


i have known her for more than one and a half years now. we have been dating for 6 months. Your english is fine, and i am not from english speaking country either.


Oh that is so nice 🥺. Hope you’ll last! And see each other soon. dude being honest rn… I feel so anxious, I miss him so much and he works so hard I’m scared he’ll forget bout me.
And thank you


thanks, we were supposed to meet in the end of this month but i got extra lectures to attend, so that sucks. Look at it in this way, he works a lot, obviously he must be getting tired, but he still manages to talk to you.

you know we start fighting for silly reasons if haven’t talked properly for a few days. and because of the fight, we spend hours talking and resolving it. Sometimes i feel like i subconsciously creat a fight just to talk with her more


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