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I’m scared I’m going to mess up, I’ve been told by my family, that I cannot pursue the career I want to, because of my autism, mental health conditions and dyspraxia, but I don’t want my conditions to hold me back. They have held me back for so long, I don’t want them to continue that, and I have believed everything my family says, I can’t do this job I can’t do this one. I am incapable of this and that. But I need to do this, this is the only career and thing I want to do in life. I hope I am strong enough.

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Hemendra Jain @manifer

See I personally recommend you to watch “The Good Doctor “ it’s also a story about a man with autism and he against the world but still he fought against them and focused on himself thrived for his career and there were some people who beloved in him and that made him and his life successful so for you it’s me who is gonna believe in you and remember that there are people who are going to criticise you and there are going to be people who are going to support you just need to focus on the good ones and your career that’s all and you have succeeded the most part of your life
Have a great life


They only thing that would stop you getting the job you want is either yourself not going for it, or employers not wanting what you have to offer. Nothing else can come into play. Don’t let the opinions of others stop you


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