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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostandconfused

Issy @lostandconfused

I’m rlly anxious for my music lesson tomorrow. My teacher is rlly strict and tbh he scares me. He makes you perform a piece in front of the while class and if you do it wrong he yells at you. To someone without anxiety this probably isn’t a big deal but to me this is the scariest thing in my whole week every week.
Coping mechanisms anyone? Or just a reply to calm me down?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sanchit44
Profile picture for Now&Me member @archita28
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sanchit44

AXE STUD @sanchit44

You need to change your teacher this the best solution , and else try to find new teacher . You can also take online YouTube classes or something.
Don’t be depressed
Calm down
If you need some chit chat
Catch me on insta - sanchit_giri

Also underscore before and after the name

Profile picture for Now&Me member @archita28

Archita @archita28

I understand your situation completely it’s ok to feel anxious you are soo strong. It sounds very scary honestly if I were you I would have ran away but you are facing it. We just need to control the fear What’s the worst that can happen he is gonna yell it’s ok you’ll have a second chance but you’ll just fear of making mistakes then you won’t be able to perform at all atleast give it your 100% so that you won’t have regrets We are all humans we all make mistakes Let’s just learn from them and move forward. For Anxiety Sometimes what I do is 1 chew some gum it distracts me 2 deep breathing 3 Remember these lines ’ you have felt this before and Guess what you got through this. You always do you are alot stronger than you think you are. This feeling will pass I believe in you. You are not alone.’ I hope this helps


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