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Im really feeling stressed out right now because i have so much backlogs and one year is already ended… i am NEET aspirant and currently in class 11 and i have no idea how will i finish my backlogs and concentrate on my studies. What should i do?
Should i give up???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jsv
13 replies

noooooo do not give up


What should i do then?? How will i be able to do it? I have zoology, botany, physics and chemistry and only 3 months before 12th start and i have complete all my backlogs and self study before it…


have you talked to them about this? and just do your absolute best im sure if you tried you can totally do it


talked to who?


idk sometimes theres someone to talk to about this kinda stuff like im a freshman and if i have problems with my class or grades or sum i talk to a councilor


like a mentor or counseller?

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but idk where to find them and how to reach in contacts with them or even to afford them… im still young.

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Really Thank you… I will find someone and surely try to talk to them regarding this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jsv

Blabberer @jsv

Concentrate on one thing at a time. You have around 18 months to go for the NEET exam I believe? The time is enough for it. Start with the subject you find easy. It will build your confidence. Then switch to the subject which is tough and get through with it.
If you have upcoming exams, focus on that first.
Giving up doesn’t solve anything. You’ll have to start over from scratch with lesser time.
Some stress is necessary to function. Use it constructively.
All the best!


Thanks you so much buddy for bringing out this fact, Just thinking about this again and again always made me so anxious. Really appreciated for your advice!!


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