Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I’m really feeling lonely today…I just want some warmth someone to hug me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright. Someone to hold my hand and tell me that we’re gonna face the world together…I never feel this way but today I just wanna bury my head into someone’s arms and cry like a baby. It’s just hard to be on ur own sometimes.

4 replies

Hi! I’m sending you a virtual hug. In theory we should be able to sustain ourselves and all the “love-yourself” narrative. But i get the feeling of just wanting someone to cover you with a blanket. So, I’m sharing with you a virtual blanket. Let’s chat and get though this together. Hope you are feeling better


Heyy thanks for sending the warmth🥺 need it. Yea self love is all good just sometimes u get exhausted by looking after urself u just wanna melt into someone


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