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I’m really depressed today. Saw my ex’s male friends’ story. They are dating now with pouts in their insta story. She always told me that he is just a close friend nothing more. But today after seeing the guy’s insta story I am completely heavy hearted.
Life is so unfair. It feels like I would never be able to trust and love anyone again 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @r4gh4v
Profile picture for Now&Me member @angu_bich69
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @r4gh4v

Raghav @r4gh4v

I understand your pain… it’s the most hardest feeling to deal with… I hope you find the strength to deal with it… if you want to talk about it then ping me…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angu_bich69

Angu_bitc69 @angu_bich69

Love is nothing but just a game it’s good to be alone rather than being in fake hopes


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