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ayushman @ayushman

I’m really confused about this , so yesterday someone proposed to my girlfriend and her reply was i don’t want to be in a relationship right now and was going for 3 years . When she told me that, I asked her why didn’t you just say that you were in a relationship , she said that we have a complicated thing(8 months in our relationship )and i said what is there to complicate we are in a relationship or we are not . Then I directly asked her What do you consider that you are in a relationship or not . She said she didn’t consider herself in a relationship .
After hearing this i broke up with her and she didn’t even call back .
Was i wrong ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @docbhanu
Profile picture for Now&Me member @reevnur
Profile picture for Now&Me member @asooh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dullmelody
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @docbhanu

Bhanu Pratap @docbhanu

Before break up : did she cared about you ? Did she make you smile every day , was she always there for you , ? Was she talking to you like her deep thoughts and what’s in her mind ? If These answers are Yes… You did a stupid mistake… if no , then IT IS NO.
Having someone by your side is already a big deal in this world bro. Cherish what you have


I mean clearly no because she did say that she doesn’t consider herself in the relationship, so what’s the point? Are u in a relationship alone? No, obviously she was time passing if she said she don’t consider herself in relation with u.

ayushman @ayushman

But there’s this one thing that is bugging me . Like she used to do things like this before , just because she thought she wasn’t good for me .
So I’m thinking of asking her one last time.


Yeah if she has that I’m not good enough issues than definitely talk to her and don’t force her with “no u are enough for me”
Just tell her to love herself first than only she will be able to cerish u.

ayushman @ayushman

Will try in 1 day thank you


No! She herself have no clarity about what she needs and she could have asked you to stay if she really wanted. If she lacks clarity then she might later find some other point to argue with you for breakup. As a woman i can say this , we woman look for stability* (evolutionary reason) and if we cannot picture future in a relationship we generally tend to leave it later on!

ayushman @ayushman

We have a good future if we just understand each other . But I’m trying to communicate with her but my words are a bit immature . And she doesn’t want to talk things through . It’s like I’m trying but she doesn’t want to understand things
I really love her. I really want to call her and say I love you but she doesn’t have clarity in her life .
Yes before this she said she was confused between me and her ex . So I wanted to be mature and said ok I will make you forget him . I know, red flag still love just makes me do things , that hurts me.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @reevnur

Okigaru @reevnur

You ain’t wrong for shit bro. There’s no reason to hang around someone who isn’t proud of you being a part of their life. You stood your ground and that’s respectable over anything.

Arjun @arjunpbr

It will take time but u have to accept its her choice…and she didn’t give a care about you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @asooh

Asunder @asooh

I would have too. It might be hard since you love her but she’s clearly wasting your time and if she met someone she liked she would have left you for him since she doesn’t consider what you guys had a relationship. So i think you saved yourself from inevitable heartbreak.


No you did the right thing, if someone is not sure about you and is voicing it out then you need to save your time, moving on is tough but being with a person who is unsure about you and questioning whether they see a future with you or not is tougher. You did the right thing, if you are putting in a 100 percent, you see a future with her, you are sure that things are going great in the present and there is a clarity of belongingness and commitment then you deserve someone who feels the same way.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dullmelody

anonymous @dullmelody

Not at all, please cut connections with her.

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