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I’m probably the nicest guy I know and have very pure opinions on love. Yet, I’m always left broken hearted. I feel like an outcast in this world where lust is valued over love. I’m just sad and tired of everything right now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovekittens
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

This is very true … I agree with you 😓

Kiran Prakash @kirankp

I can understand and relate how that feels! I do not want to comment on what is right wrong …but it surely feels most of the time like we cannot match that pace how the world is running now…already feel like a rare species from a different generation


I posted that and I agree with you, we are indeed a different species altogether. I have had a crush on a girl for the last 3.5 years and haven’t approached anyone else because I’m not over her and it wouldn’t be fair to anyone else. And I don’t believe in the hookup culture either. Yet, everyone, including her care only about “getting action.” I honestly feel I’m the only one who’s still using his heart.


So you haven’t asked her out on a date?

Kiran Prakash @kirankp

It was one sided? And not a relationship?


I never had the guts to. I know I should’ve, but I didn’t. The possibility of hearing no and spoiling the friendship scared me.

Kiran Prakash @kirankp

Take your chance….do not get stuck with the momentary happiness! Asking her out still gives you a possibility/chance, but not doing so means you have 0 chance beyond being friend

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovekittens

lovekittens @lovekittens

I don’t agree or disagree with u. what u are facing is reality. and a nice person wouldn’t call themselves nice yk. u probably need to see a therapist/talk to someone if u feel drained or burnt out


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