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thurein @ramona123

Im pretty lonely. I think Im depressed. i feel like Im lost. Since i was obsessed with this girl, things are not getting better. Its not just about this girl. Look Im 25. Still umeployed. Still have no idea what to do with my life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hopesoars
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hopesoars

Ashley @hopesoars

Hey there. I can understand how you’d be feeling depressed. It sounds like a lot of things haven’t been going how you expected it to be. I’m sorry things are not getting better for you. What have you tried so far to improve your situation?

thurein @ramona123

Well I try to distract myself. Idk trying to forget my problems?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hopesoars

Ashley @hopesoars

You mentioned being unemployed. Have you applied anywhere recently ?

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