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I’m okay I mean I have been better
I just hate myself especially when I look in the mirror. I also hate some of the people I hang out with at school. They all gossip about each other and they make bad decisions in my opinion. But if I end our “friendship” I don’t have anyone I can hangout with at school. There is one boy I can hangout with he is okay but I have a feeling he thinks I like him but I don’t i just like him as a friend.

4 replies

sneha @sneha_151322

First love yourself. About your frnds then if there decisions are wrong then you should help them, advice them try to become a good frnd to them. And about that boy then you should do something by which he will know that you like him just as frnd

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Thank you for you’re advice.
I hope this will help

sneha @sneha_151322

Its okay we are here to help each other


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