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Borderlinedenia... @borderline33

I’m not sure but i was preparing for medical exams. And i took science in highschool. But now I’m trying to apply for commerce program. I kind of feel like a failure for some reason. Everyone sort of expects me to become a doctor and i feel like I’m disappointing a ton of people. Also what if I’m making the wrong decisions. I just feel like my parents care but not that much so they don’t get involved much. I blame all these people for not being able to study but then i know that I’m the problem and all of this is just me complaining.

4 replies

Heyy listen. My parents wanted me to become a doctor, since I was a toddler. I too took biology as well as mathematics in my high school. But after high school, I ditched the idea of being a doctor. And obviously, my parents were taken aback. I chose some other career path. Now, I am earning a handsome package and they are super proud :)

Borderlinedenia... @borderline33

I hope the same will happen for me:))


I believe it will. Just don’t go hard on yourself :)


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