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I’m not suicidal, but in all honesty, what is the purpose of life? I’m already 26. I feel like I don’t ever fully fall in love with someone, I do, but then ppl forget to continue to show love even at least every fucken once in while, so if I don’t get the same love I’m giving. Then, I don’t even bother either, I feed ppl their own piece of cake after I’ve done too much. Anyways, apart from that I know kids bring joy, I don’t have any at the moment, but I also don’t plan to have any or at least not until another like 6 yrs. Either way, I grew up with a lot of nieces and nephews, so in a way I’m not too excited about kids. Love them though. I can also afford to buy my own house by myself but that doesn’t even excite me. I love sports but I have a desk job and so tbh I haven’t been active like at all anymore. I think of travel but I have traveled and it’s okay. I’m just really lost in life because nothing excites me, I’m not passionate about anything. Help!

2 replies

Funny you say already 26…I too am 26…with the same revelations…time has just flown on by it seems…also no kids or anything of the sort…though if you have the means to do things then why not do them? Making a decision might bring you down a path you never knew you would embark in…though in recent times some things may be limited…might just be a matter of holding on and seeing what you may have to offer to the world…it may just reciprocate back if you believe it will.


Thank you for your post, “Then why not do them?” I think this is something that we need to hear sometimes, though they are obvious and simple words. I think I and maybe others sometimes block ourselves from doing even the simplest of our pleasures due to a silly excuse in our minds. I’ve always felt like I have to be there for my family and be their support & they’ve realized I’ve been there for them, and I feel as if they’ve opened up a bird (I’m the bird) cage for me to fly out and explore, yet I got so used to being their for them, that I just continued sitting on my perch. But yes, I want to offer so much to the world and others, so I will get out there. :)


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