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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @alpa

Stranger @alpa

I’m not sad but I’m not happy either I just empty don’t know feels like something is missing but don’t know what!! I used to love arts sports but now I don’t feel like doing it even I can’t push myself to do it… don’t know what kind of emptiness is inside me bcoz I can’t feel anything just empty…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @alpa
4 replies

Aakifah @kifah

Literally me right now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @alpa

Stranger @alpa

I can’t say anything on this 😅


No motivation it seems like, however if u have a friend that u both share the same hobbies or talents that u like , it would maybe be more fun to do it with that friend or person in mind

Profile picture for Now&Me member @alpa

Stranger @alpa

If i don’t have one


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