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I’m not okay… Just got shamed by my boyfriend for not having a job. I’m worthless. Nobody respects me because of that. I can’t even talk to anyone about my mental illness. Nobody gets it. All I want is to die…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @imfallingapart1
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @imfallingapart1

People shouldn’t be treated with disrespect bc they don’t have a job. You’re boyfriend is not good for you. You need someone who respects you, and helps you out when feeling down. Not someone who kicks and steps on you, to get higher in life. Don’t worry about him, he is no good. Trust me you need someone better, he seems to only be with you, to get money off of you. And dying shouldn’t be your solution, firstly end things with your boyfriend. Find someone irl you can talk to. Then later on when you start feeling better, you should focus only on yourself, until you’re ready to be in a relationship again. ❤

- Hugs ‘n’ Kisses ❤


you are not worthless. You are NOT worthless, OK? You are amazing and deserving of the world! If your boyfriend is shaming you, dump his ungrateful and rude ass. You deserve someone who will treat you well, everyone does, it’s a basic human right. And you can talk to me if you want :)


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